PBIS is one of the foundations of building a positive learning environment for all students and staff to succeed.  We create that culture by helping the students become positive leaders within our school. Our school-wide expectations for student behavior is our Viking Code of Conduct.  If students bring their best, do what is right, and treat others the way they want to be treated, they are meeting those expectations and will be rewarded for it!  The Viking Code of Conduct expectations are taught and retaught when needed throughout the year, the code is posted around the school, and the code is recited each day in our daily announcements.  We acknowledge positive behavior with Caught Your Heart tickets where students will be rewarded on a weekly, monthly, and semester basis if they receive a ticket.

Check out Valley View's PBIS website where you can learn more about our Viking Code of Conduct, Caught Your Heart tickets, lessons on our expectations and more - https://www.mypbis.org/valleyview
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